Advanced Pitch Propeller
The Advanced Pitch Propeller mixer, intelligently designed such that the geometry of the blades initially accelerates stationary fluid and then continues to convert all incoming flow into an axial, collimated plume resembling a free jet. In applications where the propeller to tank diameter is on the order of 1%, such as petroleum storage, the economics and process requirements are unsuitable for standard top entry mixing systems.
The side entry propeller solution produces the most efficient flow profile resembling a fluid jet. The discharge dynamics of the propeller resemble so closely a free jet, that the same physics can be applied to describe performance while other side entering propellers fail at producing a completely axial jet.
The Advanced Pitch Propeller, with its patented circular rake, and corresponding fluid flow characteristics, results in lower mixer horsepower draw for a similar performance when compared to marine-style propellers.
The overall advantages of the Advanced Pitch Propeller mixer, with its patented circular rake, and corresponding fluid flow characteristics, are mixer horsepower being smaller for a similar blending performance when compared to other marine-style propellers.