- Analyzers
- Automation Systems
- Butter Equipment
- Centrifuges
- Cleaning-in-Place Systems
- Deareators
- Draught Regulators
- Dryers
- Evaporators
- Fat Crystalization Equipment
- Filters & Strainers
- Heat Exchangers
- Homogenizers
- Membrane Filtration Systems
- Microparticulation Systems
- Mixers & Agitators
- Pasturization Systems
- Pigging Systems
- Plumbing Products
- Pumps
- Recreational Marine Products
- Spin Flash Dryers
- Spray Dryers
- UHT Systems
- Valves
- Adhesives & Sealants
- Automotive Heating System
- Baby Food
- Bakery Filing Cream
- Beer, Cider, Wine & Spirits
- Biodiesel
- Boats & Watercraft
- Building Infrastructure
- Butter & Spreads
- Cement
- Cheese
- Chocolate
- Coffee & Tea
- Condiments, Sauces & Soups
- Cosmetics
- Dairy Powders
- Ethanol
- Flavors & Fragrances
- Fruit Juice
- Fuel Supply System
- Hair, Nail & Skin Care Products
- Ice Cream
- Inorganic Chemicals
- Margarine & Shortening
- Meat & Animal-Based Proteins
- Milk & Cream
- Neutralization
- Nutraceuticals
- Oral Care
- Paints & Coatings
- Petrochemicals
- Pipelines
- Plant-Based Food & Beverages
- Plastic & Resins
- Refinery
- Soft Drinks
- Solvents & Solutions
- Specialty Chemicals
- Synthetic Rubber
- Yogurt
Disclosure Statements
- Anti-Corruption Policy
- Code of Business Conduct
- California Transparency in Supply Chain Notice
- Environmental, Health & Safety Policy
- Global Human Rights Policy
- Supplier Code of Conduct
- UK Tax Strategy
- UK Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement
- SPX FLOW Technology Poland sp. z o.o. for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020 / INFORMACJA O REALIZOWANEJ STRATEGII PODATKOWEJ w roku podatkowym zakończonym 31 grudnia 2020 r
- SPX FLOW Technology Poland sp. z o.o. for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021 / INFORMACJA O REALIZOWANEJ STRATEGII PODATKOWEJ w roku podatkowym zakończonym 31 grudnia 2021 r
- SPX FLOW Technology Poland sp. z o.o. for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022 / INFORMACJA O REALIZOWANEJ STRATEGII PODATKOWEJ w roku podatkowym zakończonym 31 grudnia 2022 r
- SPX FLOW Technology Poland sp. z o.o. for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 / INFORMACJA O REALIZOWANEJ STRATEGII PODATKOWEJ w roku podatkowym zakończonym 31 grudnia 2023 r